सोमवार, 6 जून 2011

मालवी पाठशाला : भाग 3

गिरफ्तारी की कथा

प्रस्तुत कहानी मध्य प्रदेश के पलदियाबना गाव तहसील नरसिंघगढ़ जिला राजगढ़ मे रहने वाले 50 वर्षीय व्यक्ति द्वारा बताई गयी है। इसकी मातृभाषा मालवी-उमदवादी है।

एसो है साब म्हारी बच म्हारी औरी को मण्ड्नो हुओ।
A few months back the marriage of one of my daughters took place.

\q Whose marriage took place?
\a Daughter’s.

तो इन का नाना न कय के आप कि गरीबी हालत है तो ऋला मांस करगा अपन।
Since we are poor her uncle said that we can arrange the marriage in their home.

\q Why did her uncle want to arrange her marriage in his place?
\a Because they were poor.

पल्डिया कोय कु मारी सोसुराल हे कादिखेड़ा
Our village is Paldia and my wife’s (her brother’s place) is Khadikheda

तो म्हारा ससुराल मे न का मणवा नाना उन ने बाय कि माणडो करियो।
So her uncle arranged the marriage for her in their place.

\q Where did the marriage take place?
\a In his wife’s place.

माणडो करवा क बात ऊ इत्ता पावना था सब बिच्छ्डी।
After the marriage everyone (the people who came for the marriage) went to their place.

जब पाव ने बिछड़वा ले गया तो हमरो माँ दादीजी था ये बिचारा बूढ़ा था।
Among the guests, my old mother and father were there

\q Who were with the returning guests?
\a His old mother and father.

तो उन्हे छोड़वा सारू व पार्वती मे जो रेतिवेत भरवा । तो रु ट्रकटर बगेरा आवे

There were tractors which came for taking the sand from the Parvathy River.

\q Why did the tractors come there?
\a To take the sand.

तो उन टकटर मे उने बिठाया
They sat in the one tractor.

या सेभी टेकटर मे उनने समान ने धल्लियो आगे जाके ऊपर नि टकटर मे से समान सारो तो फेक दियो ।
When they put their things inside the tractor, the tractor man took the things and threw them away.

\q What did the tractor man do when they put the things [in the tractor]?
\a He took and threw [the things] away.

फेक दो तो हमारा दाजी ने जी जिनने कई किसुनी काइयो उनसे
When he threw the things, my father and mother argued with him.

तो लड़ो ओगड़ों करा गया तो छोरा चोरी था बड़ा बड़ा नामरा ठोकी करी इनकी ।
When the argument became a big quarrel, our youngsters beat him [tractor

\q What did the youngsters do to him?
\a Beat him.

महार ठोकी करवा मे ये छोरा न यहा से भाग लियो
As soon as they beat him, the youngsters ran away from there.

ओर ए टेकटरवाला यहा से भाग्य तो पास मे का गाम का रेवाला था।
Since the tractor-man’s village was near, he ran to the village.

माँ से हसन सारा टेकटर भरभरों के वहाँ से की आयो ।
At that time, the other tractors were filled with sand and came.

ललवा के ने हमारे डोकरा डोकरी ने बेचारों घरे लियो एक हमारा भतीजा उणी पकड़ ले गयो
Then the villagers from his village came against us and surrounded my father
and mother and they caught my son-in-law and went.

या से ले जाके उणी अपना गाम बिठालियों
They went to the village and put him in a place where they made him sit.

अब गाम मे बिठाके बाद मे हमे मलम पडी ।
We came to know that our boy is sitting among them.

वी सारा तो माँ बहन उनकी कालमाला उनंग से करियों अनग से गाव सरु भी टूटीयो।
When my mother and my sister started to scold them, all the villagers defended them.

उणगं सबै गामवाला भी सो पचास आदमी थाई सही लकड़ियाँ भर के लेके।
Approximately 50 to 100 people came with sticks to beat us.

\q What did the villagers come with?
\a With sticks.

अखीर उन्हे मे समझोता करके हम वाँ पहुचिया।
Finally we came to an agreement and reached the village.

\q What did they do finally?
\a Came to an agreement.

नी मनिया अभी उनी छोरा छुड़वा कोशिश कर नी छोड़ियो ।
We tried our best to release the boy but they did not agree.

म्हारों भतीजो या अनी पालनद्या को उदयसिंजी को बच्चू ।
My son-in-law is the son of Udaysing in our village.

यां से हम चलिया साब तो महू थाना मे पोचीया
At last we decided and went to the Mhow police station.

महू थाना हम ने रिपोर्ट उण ने करी वाँ जाके बिठाई दियो
We gave the petition and we were there.

सरपंच का ड्रावर इनने मारयो थो ।
The report was that the village-head’s tractor driver beat the boy.

माँ जाके फिर से बड़सब से उनी केस करी ।
We told all the things to the sub-inspector.

\q To whom did they say all these things?
\a To the sub-inspector.

टाटी दरबार पौचिया हमे भनेज पौचियों
This news reached our Gandhinagar village council.

व से फिर उनने हमे केस उनी करवा को रुके उनी नाना वाँ से छुड़वाजों
My brother-in-law came and stopped the case and rescued the boy.

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