मंगलवार, 28 दिसंबर 2010

ज्ञानचंद,मालवी पाठशाला

चोरी की कहानी मालवी की जुबानी

एक दन रात कि बात है साब रोटा खाई न हम साब रोटा खाई न हूँ कमाड के हक्कल लगाई न खाट पे हुय गयो
These things happened in one day and night; after having the food I locked थे door and slept on the cot.

चोर एक दन पहला भी आया था तो उनकी थल नई पडी,फेर दूसरा दन फेर आया
One previous day, thieves came here but their plan did not succeed so they came again on another day.

तो हूँ ओसाराम मे हुतो थो
That time I was sleeping on the veranda.
ने नींद लागी न करीबन बारा डेड बजे कि बात होगा ने चोल्डा घर मे भराण
The time was about 12 or 1.30 – I was sleeping well – at that time thieves
entered in to my house.
ओसाराम मे टाटी भाडीन गर मे वराण !
They removed the sack-wall of the veranda and entered inside।
गाय तीन थीं, दो बासरु था,दो बैल था !
We had three cows, two cattle, and two oxen।
एक गाय के छोड़ी न उण ने बायर लिकालं दी !
They caught one cow and brought it out।
दूसरी कि छोड़ी न लिकालंवा लागि ने हू बाट मे खत पे हुतो थो !
Again they came inside and caught the second cow and tried to go out – at that time I was sleeping on a cot in the way.
तो उकि गाय कि पुंछ कि म्हारा मुणड़ा पे लागी !
While he was crossing the way with the cow, its tail swept on my face.
ने हू चिल्लाणु दौडजो रे चोल्डा भरई गया !
I got up and shouted, “Run! A thief got inside!”
एतरामे एक चोल्डो ने म्हारे लठ कि दी !
At that time one thief beat me with a stick
न हू अलग कूदी न बची गयो
I jumped and escaped.
एतरामे टेगड़ो भोसियों म्हारों भाणेज भी म्हारे घरखा मेरेज रेतो थो !
At that time a dog barked; my son- in- law was also living near my house।
ऊ और गम का चिल्लाण "रे कई हुई गयो रे, चोल्डा भरई गया !"
He and the villagers asked me, “Why did you shout ?” I said, “Thieves came.”
वी भागा तो चोल्डा आया तो गाय छोड़ी न भागी गया !
While they [villagers] came, the thieves left the cow and ran away.
और हम फेर सब रोता वोटा खाय न फिर हम सब सोयी गया !
Then we had food and slept।
सवेरे दूसरा दिन बरसात को टेम थो !
Next day morning there was rain.
हूँ भैस चरवा चरयरियों थो !
I was pasturing the buffalo.
तो खेत का हेड़ा पे उब्बो थो !
I was standing on the boundary of the field।
तो सोयाबीन मे से साप निकलियों !
That time a snake came out of the soya bean field.
तो लिखता खेब ऊ ने म्हारा पग मे काटियों!
The snake bit my leg.
ने हु बेस लई न घरे आयो !
I brought the buffalo back to the house.
तो छोरा छोरि के क्यो के म्हारे पैन बेडी गयो !
My children said that there is a wound in my leg।
एतरा मे वी म्हारा फटफटी पे बेढाडि ने उज्जैन लई गया ! अस्पताल मे भरती कर दियो !
They made me to sit on a motorcycle and took me to Ujjain and admitted me in

फिर हू बेहोश हुई गयो !
Then I became unconscious।
म्हारे कमसेकम एक घंडे मे होश आया होगा !
Almost one hour later my consciousness came back.
ने तो भगवान चाहे तो हू फेर व से अच्छी हुई गयो
By the grace of God I became okay.
यह कहानी एक 25 साल के युवक ने बताई जोकि 10 वी तक पढ़ा है! इसकी मातृभाषा मालवी(उज्जयिनी)है।

आइये ,देखे हमें कहानी कितनी समझ आई ....

Where did he sleep?
On the veranda. (half correct – near the door or outside the door)

Who came when he was sleeping?

What did they remove from the veranda ?

When the thief brought out the second cow, what was the storyteller doing ?

What did the thief do to the storyteller?
Beat him।

How did the storyteller escape?

Who is the relative staying near his home?

What did he do to the buffalo?

What did come out from the soya bean field?

Where did the snake bite?
On his leg।

What did he bring back to the house?

How many hours later did his consciousness come back to him?
One hour.
खड़ी बोली को लेकर अकसर लोग ये मानते हे की इसमे sophistication के कमी होती है एक किस्म की अभद्रता है क्यूकी इसमे कभी कभी वे शब्द जो हिन्दी मे सम्मान के लिए प्रयुक्त होते है दिखाई नहीं देते !जैसे "आप" की जगह "तम" !खेर जो भी हो मैंने तो मालवी को सीखने का फैसला किया है और इसमे ज्ञानचंदजी मेरी मदद करेगे उनके अनुसार मालवी के चार प्रकार है उज्जयिनी राजवाडी
उमड़वाडी और सोन्धवाडी !

(Thanx SiL)

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